
Name ………………..
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Dr. Elizabeth Palacios, is a Costa Rican Orthodontist, member of the Board of Costa Rican Dental Surgeons and the Costa Rican Board of Orthodontist.
As an orthodontist, her job is to correct incorrectly positioned teeth and bones. In her professional experience she has stood out as a leader in her specialty by promoting the use of Invisalign in Costa Rica.
Dr. Palacios graduated as a Dental Surgeon from the University of Costa Rica and did her specialization in Orthodontics at the Latin-American University of Science and Technology (ULACIT) Costa Rica.
Dr. Palacios competences:
- Specialist in Orthodontics, Latin-American University of Science and Technology (ULACIT) Costa Rica.
- Doctor in Dental Surgery, University of Costa Rica.
- Member of the Board of Costarrican Dental Surgeons.
- Member of Costarrican Board of Orthodontist.
- Invisalign certificate provider.