
Dental work in the United States, Canada, and Europe is extremely expensive. Because Costa Rica has a lower cost of living than these places, our day-to-day operating costs are lower.

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It’s More Than a Promise. It’s Our Art.

Every artist has a medium. To give shape to a precious stone an artist needs knowledge, experience, artistic precision, vision, and technology.

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Our team of extraordinary artists have fused with one of our main technological providers to transform your teeth into the finest gems: a perfect smile. With this new veneer technology we are able to provide you with your most beautiful smile in less than five days. It’s easy, safe, and requires no teeth grindings, messy impressions, or anesthesia. Instead, after two one-hour appointments your smile will be brighter than it ever has.

This innovative approach gives our patients a beautiful, radiant smile without the wait. We strive to ensure that our patients receive ongoing treatment and care from our expert team.

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The Mario Garita Dental Experience is one of the most advanced dental clinics in the Americas. Our equipment is second to none, and our team of doctors, technicians, and hygienists are among the best trained anywhere, with vast international experience and a deep commitment to our craft.


Why Choose Costa Rica for Your Dental Tourism Destination?

Dental work in the United States, Canada, and Europe is extremely expensive. Because Costa Rica has a lower cost of living than these places, our day-to-day operating costs are lower. That means that treatments cost less, too: Dental treatments in Costa Rica often cost between as little as one-third to one-half of what it does in North America or Europe, while still employing sophisticated techniques and advanced technology.

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Saving money on great dental work and get a perfect smile,  is only part of it. With how much you’ll save you can easily splurge on a trip to a tropical beach, a hike in the rainforest, or a tour of a whitewater river. Our patients regularly save several thousand dollars on the work we perform for them, even after factoring in travel costs.

Don’t wait to address your dental issues. Call us today and learn more about how the Mario Garita Dental Experience – and Costa Rica – can transform how you look at dental work.

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