Doctor Mario Garita: Hello everyone I am Dr. Garita and here with us our patient Valerie Golf who came back to Costa Rica after this crazy Covid 19 pandemic. Valerie I want to thank you for coming back and just give us a little heads up of how everything went.
Valerie Golf: “It is very good to be back. It was a little difficult but very good if you take your time and if you have a phone and a computer you can do it. I had COVID test, I had tree done that were done by LAB CORP and they were very rapid, very prompt and very easy to get into my phone for the result.
I also had one test done with Quest and it was terrible, the result did not come until after I was in Costa Rica which would have been no good. For the health form I contacted AARP and they have a company where they recommend AARDA, they were very helpful.
The whole insurance policy was $110 USD. They will send you everything by way of your cell phone. I printed out the first page for the health form and when I got to the airport they wanted to see the policy, so I gave them my phone and they could read the policy on my phone and with that they said you are good to go.
Dr. Mario Garita :“I am very happy to see you once again and help you with your dental needs and just to show everybody that it is possible to come back to Costa Rica. It is safe and we are starting to work hard with you guys, so welcome back ”
Valerie Golf: “When you fill out the health form you can take a picture of your driver’s license for your state, a picture of the insurance form and of your COVID test and they will give you a code so when you come to the airport they will let you in.