Top 3 reasons for implant failure

Dental implants are commonly used to replace natural teeth. Properly cared for, your dental implants can last a lifetime. With a success rate of 95%, dental implants are a highly effective treatment to replace severely damaged or lost teeth. Although failure is unusual, it can happen, which is why it’s essential to an implant doesn’t fail because of your body rejecting the implant. In general, they are the best and healthiest way to replace damaged or lost teeth.

The 3 most common reasons for dental implant failure are:

  1. Failure of the bone tissue to properly fuse to the implant: Called failed osseointegration, happens over several months after placement. The implant becomes loose or falls out. A loose or lost implant can happen for several reasons: overloading, inadequate bone density, tissue damage, poor positioning, or sudden trauma.
  2. Infection of the gums is another reason for implant failure: Known as peri-implantitis, the infection develops in the gums and around the implant and in the gums. Usually, the cause of infection is poor dental hygiene, especially after dental implant surgery. Peri-implantitis causes bone loss and, ultimately implant failure.
  3. Nerve or tissue damage can occur when the implant is too close to a nerve: The result can be tingling, numbness, or chronic pain in the mouth’s soft tissues: cheek, lips, tongue, chin, or gums. The damage may be temporary or even permanent. It may also mean the implant needs to be removed. The most likely cause of nerve or tissue damage is an inexperienced dentist.
Tooth Implantation Model

Osseointegration, peri-implantitis, and nerve/tissue damage are the leading causes of dental implant fail. However, there are a few others. Regardless of the reason, the symptoms of failure are the same. Persistently severe pain or discomfort around the implant, swollen or inflamed gums, or a loosening implant are all signs that there are problems with the implant. Patients should contact their dentist immediately if these experience these or other symptoms that cause concern.

Dental implant procedures are very successful, and failures are not at all common. Care and attention to oral hygiene is the single most effective tool against dental implant failure. Steps to take include:

  • Thoroughly brush twice a day, floss, and use a non-alcohol antiseptic mouthwash.
  • Avoid hard or sticky candy, rough foods, or foods that require a firm bite or chewing.
  • Don’t smoke; it irritates mouth tissue and increases the risk of infection and bone loss.

Dental implants are often the best cosmetic choice to avoid dentures or replace lost teeth. Contact us today at Mario Garita MP Dental Experience to discuss whether implants are the right choice for you or to learn more about the procedure, its cost and the time you’ll need to spend in Costa Rica to get your new smile going.

We will customize your treatment plan to fit your needs and to help make sure your dental implant procedure is a success.

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