How to Plan Your Overseas Dental Treatment in Costa Rica

Overseas dental treatment

An overseas dental treatment is a great way to get your perfect smile and save money without sacrificing quality. 

United States residents can save 45 to 65 percent by taking a trip to Costa Rica for dental treatments. Dental procedures in the United States are typically very expensive because the cost of living is high and dentists have exorbitant student loans they need to pay back. It costs a significant amount of money to run a dental practice in the United States.

In other countries like Costa Rica, however, the cost of living is more affordable than it is in the U.S., and so is dental school. Therefore, dentists are able to offer affordable dental work while still offering the same quality of care.

Dental Tourism in Costa Rica

Dental tourism in Costa Rica is popular because it’s affordable and high quality, but also because Costa Rica is a beautiful place to visit. You can turn your dental tourism trip into a luxurious vacation and go back to your home country feeling refreshed and looking amazing!

Here at Mario Garita Dental Clinic, we are happy to offer a wide range of services. Below, we have listed the services that are the most popular and the most convenient, in terms of cost and benefit.

  • Dental Implants. Dental Implants are the closest that you can get to natural teeth, and serve as a useful—and more long-lasting—alternative to dentures. Implants are used to replace a single missing tooth, multiple missing teeth, or an entire upper or lower arch. 

Dental implants are the only dental restoration option that preserves and stimulates the natural bone. They allow you to eat, chew, smile, and talk as you normally would – or better.

  • Full Mouth Restoration. The best way to get a full mouth restoration is with a Crown & Bridge procedure. Crowns are a permanent coating that fits right on top of your original tooth. They can be made of gold, metals, or porcelain – porcelain has the most natural appearance. 

Bridges are used to fill the gap where a tooth used to be. This helps avoid shifting teeth, which can cause a variety of jaw issues.

  • Porcelain Veneers. A veneer is a thin layer of material placed over a tooth, either to improve the aesthetics of a tooth or to protect against damage to a tooth’s surface. In Costa Rica, we strictly use porcelain veneers that are indirectly fabricated in a dental laboratory and bonded to your tooth during your appointment. Each veneer is uniquely made for every patient. 

Costa Rica is the Best Country for Dental Tourism

When it comes to a dental vacation, Costa Rica is one of the best countries to travel to. Mario Garita Dental Clinic has exclusive dental tourism packages just for our patients who are visiting from other countries. 

Packages include:

  • Airport arrival. You will be received by a person with a banner with your name on it. Our free airport shuttle will take you from the airport to our dental clinic or your chosen accommodations.
  • Hotel recommendations. We are happy to make the best recommendations for hotels. Certain local hotels offer special rates for our international patients.
  • Activities. There are many exciting things to do while you’re in Costa Rica before and after your dental procedure. Some favorite activities include surfing, going to the beach, visiting museums, and visiting national parks. We would be happy to make recommendations for you!

Making an Appointment with Mario Garita Dental Clinic

Trends predict that the dental industry will grow exponentially in the next 3-years. Mario Garita Dental Clinic is the largest clinic in all of Central America that specializes in dental implants served by US trained professionals with 30 years experience.

Call today to discuss your dental tourism options and get an estimate for your procedure. Your brand-new smile is only a flight away.

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