
Most adults show signs of gingivitis or periodontal disease at any point of their lives. Severe periodontal disease affects 14 percent of adults aged 45-54 years and twenty-three percent of adults between 65 and 74. About 30 percent of adults over 65 are edentulous and this affects their quality of life in a very negative way.

When the patient decides it’s time to visit the dentist he or she can be unpleasantly surprised since the cost of dental treatments on dental clinics throughout the United States can be very high and the patient may feel overwhelmed and even hopeless of restoring their oral function and smile.

If you or someone in your family has experienced a similar situation, you should know that you can have a new smile at an affordable cost, and not only that, you also may have the chance to visit one of the most beautiful countries in Latin America, universally recognized for its peace and natural beauties: Costa Rica.


Costa Rica


Some countries like Mexico, South Africa, India and Thailand offer inexpensive surgeries, they are far away and they usually have very different standards and regulations to those at United States and Canada. Instead, Costa Rica has an enviable health care system, outstanding professionals trained in the best universities around the world, high standards of excellence and modern infrastructure very similar to the ones in the US also a fast growing industry in the area of cosmetic surgery and dental implants makes our country one of the top medical tourism destinations. It is for this reason that thousands of foreigners take advantage of these high quality services at very low prices, saving thousands of dollars.


One may think that within so many options can be very difficult to choose the best, but it is not.

One of the most outstanding and prominent professionals in this area is Dr. Mario Garita, whose extensive background and experience have made him the best specialist in the country. Dr Garita was trained at the University of Miami Medical Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital specializing in implant surgery and oral reconstruction and has performed over 300 successful implants using the All on 4 technique. Besides this, his perfect English makes the first contact much easier for the english speaking patients.

The services offered by Dr. Garita start from the moment the patient decides to make the very first question. Dr Garita may go over the dental history or X rays and give a price which it could be a third of what one would pay in the US. Dr Garita staff also helps their foreign patients to find the accommodation that best fits their recovery needs, usually very close from his clinic in Escazú, the most exclusive part of the city of San José.



The Equipment, the technology, the building


The equipment, the technology, the building and even the operating room of his clinic are exactly the same as those in the expensive American dental clinics, and the procedures performed here are not only high end but very quick. For example with the All on 4 protocol the patient will get the precise placement of a full-arch or both arches prosthesis on the same day of surgery.

The All-on-4® is a quick and minimally invasive technique that has enormously improved the quality of life of our patients. Its innovative approach will reduce not only the price but also the time of treatment to a just one day appointment, leaving time to take a short holiday and visit either the beach or the mountain. We assure our patients that they will return back home renovated, not only with a bright smile with new teeth but also with a big smile by all the money they saved and the experiences they lived in our beautiful country.


Project Details

Severe periodontal disease affects 14 percent of adults aged 45-54 years and twenty-three percent of adults between 65 and 74. 30 percent of adults over 65 are edentulous

Costa Rica:
Has an enviable health care system, outstanding professionals trained in the best universities around the world, high standards of excellence and modern infrastructure very similar to the ones in the US

Foreigners take advantage of these high quality medicalor dental services at very low prices.

Doctor Mario Garita:
Trained at the University of Miami Medical Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital specializing in implant surgery and oral reconstruction

Performed over 300 successful implants using the All on 4 technique.

Dr. Garita give a price which it could be a third of what one would pay in the US.  Set an Appointment NOW!

Time is gold:
With the All on 4 protocol the patient will get the precise placement of a full-arch or both arches prosthesis on the same day of surgery.

All On 4 is the solution:
Is a quick and minimally invasive technique. And will reduce not only the price but also the time of treatment to a just one day appointment.

Closer to home:
Return back home renovated, not only with a bright smile with new teeth but also with a big smile by all the money saved and the experiences lived in our beautiful country.




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